Developing And Profiting From Your Golden House Email List


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Developing And Profiting From Your Golden House Email List

via Developing And Profiting From Your Golden House Email List.

Developing And Profiting From Your Golden House Email List


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Do you own a business with walk-in traffic? Then
you’re sitting on a gold mine of mammoth
proportions. All you have to do is gather customer
names and email addresses… then get organized
so you can contact — and profit from — your hot list
on a regular basis.

1) Start collecting customer data at once

As I have pointed out for years, “the list is the
business…and the business is the list.” Start
building this all-important list TODAY.

Make it a point to ask ALL your customers
for name, address, phone and e-mail address.
If you have employees, make sure they
realize the importance of the list. Show them
how to request this information from all
customers, thus:

“Mr. Smith, would you like to receive e-mails
from us with tremendous discount offers?
Just fill out this brief form or give me your
card with e-mail address.”

Add this information to your list at the
end of every day. Be consistent!

2) Start brainstorming hot offers today.

For your special “alert” list to work, you must
present scintillating offers. Start collecting them

Open a computer file and enter all your sales
offers, always concentrating on what made
money. Squeezing the most dollars from your
list is a direct function of making offers that
get your customers to stop in their tracks
and head your way!

Don’t hesitate to “swipe” offers from other
media sources. Your offer need not be original
to you. It just has to pull.

3) Develop a format.

Start with the subject line. It should read
something like this: ANOTHER great offer from
(your name). Expires 5 p.m. today… so don’t

Then entice!

“Just in… the most delicious golden pears
you’ve ever tasted. Prepare to pamper yourself…
but act NOW. We only have a few! Drop by now..
and indulge yourself!”

4) Unless you ship as part of your current
business routine, make sure recipients understand
this is an in-store offer only.

You have twin goals here: first, you do NOT
want to increase your work load by starting
a shipping department; second, you want to
increase your in-store traffic and resulting
sales that come when customers drop in.

5) E-mail your offer at a regular time

Your goal, remember, is to increase in-store
traffic and sales. Thus, e-mail your bulletin
about 1 hour before you’re open. That way
you’ll have customers at the door right away…
just what you want.

6) E-mail your list at least once a week.

E-mailing regularly is key to your success.
Select a day for your e-mail special offer
and adhere to it religiously.

But don’t hesitate to e-mail two or even three
times a week if you are announcing great
offers and value. Value and great offers
determine how often you should contact
your list. Customers will be glad you contacted
them… if the value warrants.

7) Track the offers that work… and the
ones that don’t.

Over time you’ll develop a cornucopia of
proven money-makers which you can profit
from while merely copying, pasting and
updating. In short fast, easy money, just
the kind you like!

7) Have fun with your list — and your

Business is about relationships. About
knowing  your customers and them knowing
you. Use your “alert” list to do both.

Have in-house drawings… and announce
the winners.

Compliment a customer on a stunning outfit…
or a stunning smile.

Share a joke, a quip, a thoughtful line.

It’s your personal messenger… have fun with it
while you’re making sale after sale.

Please click here to learn more about an excellent way to email market your product/service…


How to write web site and article content that sells


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It was Bill Gates, the sage with prophetic talents
and the deepest of pockets, who said it first: “Content
is king.” Per usual billionaire Bill was right.
Problem is, he omitted the directions on how to
produce the site and article content  you need so much. Humbly,
I rectify his omission.
Here then are the necessary steps for producing
web site and article copy that sells.
1)  Know thy audience.
The purpose of creating site content is to build
relationships and loyalty with your designated populations…
and produce content that gets them to RETURN and RESPOND.
Are you, therefore, clear on just who you are
producing content for?
Say you are running an insurance agency and
want to insure more business from people with
large and  valuable art and artifact collections.
Before you write word 1 of content, you must know
and WRITE DOWN a description of the kinds of
people you want to attract. Every word you write
thereafter, all the content you produce is for –
2) Write content that brings you business
In this report, I am showing you how to write site
content that sells. For details on how to write the
great American novel, you must seek other counsel.
Thus, your next step towards producing site
content that sells is to brainstorm subjects and to
craft the all-important title.
Again, consider the insurance agent aiming for
lucrative antique collection accounts. He needs a
title like this: “7 things you need to know about
insuring your antiques and collections.” Alternatively,
try this
“7 things you don’t know about insuring your
antiques that make you vulnerable.”
Or, “5 things you can do right now to
decrease the cost of your antiques insurance.”
Note: a title like this peeks reader interest…
the public designated for this content wants to
know, is desperate to know, just where there may be
holes, flaws, and omissions in their policies. Your
content (and your title) play to their need to know,
including fears and anxieties which motivate prompt
response to you.
3) Brainstorm subjects to be included in your article
or site content
The most cogent content is brainstormed and
outlined before a single word is written. First, and
most importantly, sit down at your desk and write
down the topics you want (and your reader must
have) in this content.
Personally, I take one 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet and
(in my execrable hand writing) detail all the key
points about the subject at hand.
Then, having brainstormed all, I arrange these
points in logical order, thus: first do this, then this,
then this, etc.
Brainstorm and point prioritizing are key to
successful content.
Note: for best results, you should have no fewer
than 5 points in any individual article or not more than
10. The content may appear skimpy and inadequate
if you have too few points while having more than 10
over burdens  your reader (and future customer), causing
him to postpone reading — and response!
4) Now write.
You are now ready to write the content, for you have
considered your audience and what they need to know
(and will most thank you for); you have brainstormed
the subjects to be included and arranged them in
the proper order. Yes, you are ready to write.
Sit yourself down in your writing place (you do have
one, don’t you), a place  where you can write undisturbed,
inviolate to the crafting of superb content
Go there now. Determine your writing schedule. You
should be able to produce draft site content in 2-4
hours, depending on how experienced a writer you
are. Always set a date and time for the conclusion of
Draft 1. Never leave it open-ended. Things without
deadlines are things less likely to be done.
Note: Remember, what you are writing now
must be a conversation between you and your
reader (who is, let’s be clear, your future customer,
too.) The content must,  therefore, be written accordingly.
The word “you” (meaning you, the reader) must
predominate. You must not write for an amorphous
audience of the unknown. You must write instead to
and for the chief benefit of each individual reader…
just as if the reader was sitting beside you and  you
were explaining one thing after another of importance
to her. This is vital.
5) Read, review, revise your content.
Now hear this: the best writing is re-writing. Thus,
when you have finished Draft 1,  let it sit overnight.
It is the rare, experienced, polished writer who can
write such content, review such content, and post
the finished product all in a day. Some may disagree,
but I remain convinced time and patience are necessary
ingredients in the very best content.
When ready, read your content aloud. No sentence
should be more than one breath. If your sentences
are turgid and flow slowly, awkward, break them into
shorter lines, easier to read. Your tempo should be allegro,
not andante.
6) Revise, revise, revise.
Having finished your first revisions, it is time for…
more revisions. As much time should be spent on
revising your content as writing it in the first place.
This, then, should be your schedule:
Day 1, write the content. On this same day,
do the first revisions.
Day 2, after letting the content sit overnight,
awake early (personally I do this between 5-7 am
because that is when my schedule is clear and
I have the fewest interruptions. In other words, I
can focus.) Then do at least one more  content
3) On Day 3, do a final content review. There
should be few, if any, changes at this point.
Your content should be word perfect, light,
graceful, moving; content that will impact the
reader, because it impacts you!
7) The Resource Box
Now add the crucial Resource Box and About the
Author details. Having written content that helps
your reader and future customer, it is now manifestly
appropriate to include something that helps you…
and that is precisely what the Resource Box and
About the Author sections do. Treat them accordingly.
Be sure to include all the means you wish customers
to use to get in touch with you, including email, URL,
telephone, cell phone, etc. Believe me, the useful
content you have given them will inspire response.
Depend on it.
Exult. You deserve it!
You have now done a useful thing. Your content is
now available for use on blogs, ezines, site postings,
et al. Take a moment to congratulate yourself. You
deserve it.
You have taken what you know and can do and
transformed it into a focused means of generating
new customers and really helping them. You may be a
tad fatigued by your effort; that’s natural. But what
you’ve written can live for years and help thousands.
And that’s a true cause for jubilation.

Please click here to access one of the most effective
mediums to market your content…

How To Write E-mail Ads That Work. Email Advertising. Best Online.

Despite the popularity of instant messengers and social networks, email remains an effective marketing
communications tool for various industries.  In a marketing survey done by a digital marketing company, it is
revealed that email marketing is the advertising channel that performed best for many companies in the last year.  In
another study, email marketing outperformed all the other direct marketing channels examined in terms of return of
investment (ROI).

Email provides an opportunity to reach out to as many people at minimal cost and with less effort.  However,
considering that most people get a lot of email daily, you have to state your message in the most concise way.
Remember that there’s a delicate line between writing an effective email ad and one that will be marked off as spam.
So how do we write email ads that attract and lead recipients to open and respond to it?

Let’s examine the parts and attributes of a good email ad.

The sender.  Most of us can immediately recognize spam sources. Sender names that sound too “commercial” are
promptly trashed, as well as names that don’t sound as if they belong to a real person or company. For example,
emails that come from a company or at least corporate-sounding name is more credible and likely to be opened
rather than obscure names of persons.

The subject line. An effective subject line is catchy. It captures the recipient’s attention and makes him or her sense
the benefit of opening the email at first glance. But don’t use phrases like “make money fast” and “$$$” on your
subject line or else the spam filters will block your email.  Perhaps it would do you well to open your inbox and study
the spam that actually escaped the email filters. Most filters today are too strong, even legitimate email could end up
in the Spam inbox.

The hook. This is the most important part of your email. It is normally placed in the first sentence or the lead and
involves a persuasive call to action.  It states what benefits the recipient will get if he or she responds to the ad
positively. Make sure to state it clearly and with conviction, preferably in active voice. Exercise: try your hook on
yourself and see if it convinces you to buy the product yourself.

The length.  It goes without saying that recipients will have short attention span because there are many emails and
sites for them to look at daily.  Write the email in the fewest but most effective words possible. This is done by using
bulleted lists and powerful one-liner hooks.

The links and contact info. Email signatures look highly credible, especially if they have the complete contact
information that the recipient needs. Provide links to your website for details not included in the email. Perhaps you
can provide an alternative page through popular social networks like Facebook or MySpace.

The unsubscribe option. It’s unbelievable for some, but yes, this feature adds more credibility. Recipients appreciate
being given options. Even if it means not availing the product or service offered for you, they might recommend your
site to other potential customers. Conversely, an annoyed recipient may just email another potential customer about
your emails and thus tarnish your reputation.

As a last note, remember that there are many digital marketing tools and strategies that a company could study and
use. It all depends on who the target market is. As copywriters, this should be at the top of our daily to-do list—
studying the market. Only then can our marketing copy be effective. 

Article #2 Without graphics or engraving to enhance your message, what you say and how you say it matters even more than in
print communication. But because e-mail is so easy to send, and because as a harried owner of a small business you
feel pressured to respond immediately, you often dash off a response on the fly. How many times have you clicked
on “send” and then remembered a couple of points you forgot to mention? Or did you send a rambling message,
giving your client the task of sorting it out? Did you think your spelling didn’t matter? After all, “it’s only e-mail!”

It matters a lot. Your well-heeled competitor has the stature of his organization to back him up. His misspellings will
be chalked up to “too busy to spell check.” Your misspellings and unorganized messages will call your competence
into question. Does your inattention to spelling reflect a similar disregard for customer service? If your message is
ill-conceived, can your product be any better?

When you write e-mail messages, remember your client will judge you by what you say and how you say it. Don’t let
your writing give your customers a reason to turn to your competitor. Here are some guidelines to enable you to
write e-mail like the Fortune 500 pros.

Think before you write: Before writing, jot down your main points or purpose. Decide what’s most important and lead
with that, in the first paragraph if possible. Don’t leave important information for the second screen. Readers hate to
scroll and may not get past the first screen.

Make your subject line informative: Forecast your main message by writing a subject line that announces what you
are writing (request, announcement, etc.) and what about it (to purchase new desk chairs, of vacancy in the finance
department). Readers use the subject line to perform e-mail triage. A good subject line announces that it’s relevant
or urgent. A vague subject line invites the reader to ignore or delete the message.

Tell them what action to take: Don’t leave the reader wondering why you sent the e-mail and what you want. Convey
the desired action clearly, boldly and early in the message.

Format for easy reading: Make your paragraphs short, use vertical bullet ed lists to condense information, and add
white space for visual relief.

Narrow cast, don’t broadcast: Resist the temptation to send copies to everyone. Define and narrow your audience to
those who need the information. After receiving a few irrelevant e-mails, your client may not bother to read your
important ones.

Check your tone: You may be tempted to tell your pesky client exactly how you feel. And it may make you feel better
to write it. Just don’t send your flaming message. Keep your tone cordial, business-like, unbiased. Don’t bad-mouth
the competition. He’s only a click away!

Proof before you click: Before sending, spell check and make sure you’ve punctuated properly. Have you
remembered to include the attachment you promised?

 Article #3 Writing the Basic Business Letter Parts of a Business Letter

This resource is organized in the order in which you should write a business letter, starting with the sender’s
address if the letter is not written on letterhead.
Sender’s Address

The sender’s address usually is included in letterhead. If you are not using letterhead, include the sender’s address
at the top of the letter one line above the date. Do not write the sender’s name or title, as it is included in the letter’s
closing. Include only the street address, city, and zip code.

The date line is used to indicate the date the letter was written. However, if your letter is completed over a number
of days, use the date it was finished in the date line. When writing to companies within the United States, use the
American date format. (The United States-based convention for formatting a date places the month before the day.
For example: June 11, 2001. ) Write out the month, day and year two inches from the top of the page. Depending
which format you are using for your letter, either left justify the date or tab to the center point and type the date.
Inside Address

The inside address is the recipient’s address. It is always best to write to a specific individual at the firm to which you
are writing. If you do not have the person’s name, do some research by calling the company or speaking with
employees from the company. Include a personal title such as Ms., Mrs., Mr., or Dr. Follow a woman’s preference in
being addressed as Miss, Mrs., or Ms. If you are unsure of a woman’s preference in being addressed, use Ms. If
there is a possibility that the person to whom you are writing is a Dr. or has some other title, use that title. Usually,
people will not mind being addressed by a higher title than they actually possess. To write the address, use the U.S.
Post Office Format. For international addresses, type the name of the country in all-capital letters on the last line.
The inside address begins one line below the sender’s address or one inch below the date. It should be left justified,
no matter which format you are using.

Use the same name as the inside address, including the personal title. If you know the person and typically address
them by their first name, it is acceptable to use only the first name in the salutation (for example: Dear Lucy:). In all
other cases, however, use the personal title and full name followed by a colon. Leave one line blank after the

If you don’t know a reader’s gender, use a nonsexist salutation, such as “To Whom It May Concern.” It is also
acceptable to use the full name in a salutation if you cannot determine gender. For example, you might write Dear
Chris Harmon: if you were unsure of Chris’s gender.

For block and modified block formats, single space and left justify each paragraph within the body of the letter.
Leave a blank line between each paragraph. When writing a business letter, be careful to remember that
conciseness is very important. In the first paragraph, consider a friendly opening and then a statement of the main
point. The next paragraph should begin justifying the importance of the main point. In the next few paragraphs,
continue justification with background information and supporting details. The closing paragraph should restate the
purpose of the letter and, in some cases, request some type of action.

The closing begins at the same horizontal point as your date and one line after the last body paragraph. Capitalize
the first word only (for example: Thank you) and leave four lines between the closing and the sender’s name for a
signature. If a colon follows the salutation, a comma should follow the closing; otherwise, there is no punctuation
after the closing.

If you have enclosed any documents along with the letter, such as a resume, you indicate this simply by typing
Enclosures one line below the closing. As an option, you may list the name of each document you are including in the
envelope. For instance, if you have included many documents and need to ensure that the recipient is aware of each
document, it may be a good idea to list the names.
Typist initials

Typist initials are used to indicate the person who typed the letter. If you typed the letter yourself, omit the typist
A Note About Format and Font

Block Format

When writing business letters, you must pay special attention to the format and font used. The most common layout
of a business letter is known as block format. Using this format, the entire letter is left justified and single spaced
except for a double space between paragraphs.

Modified Block

Another widely utilized format is known as modified block format. In this type, the body of the letter and the sender’s
and recipient’s addresses are left justified and single-spaced. However, for the date and closing, tab to the center
point and begin to type.


The final, and least used, style is semi-block. It is much like the modified block style except that each paragraph is
indented instead of left justified.

Keep in mind that different organizations have different format requirements for their professional communication.
While the examples provided by the OWL contain common elements for the basic business letter (genre
expectations), the format of your business letter may need to be flexible to reflect variables like letterheads and
templates. Our examples are merely guides.

If your computer is equipped with Microsoft Office 2000, the Letter Wizard can be used to take much of the
guesswork out of formatting business letters. To access the Letter Wizard, click on the Tools menu and then choose
Letter Wizard. The Wizard will present the three styles mentioned here and input the date, sender address and
recipient address into the selected format. Letter Wizard should only be used if you have a basic understand of how
to write a business letter. Its templates are not applicable in every setting. Therefore, you should consult a business
writing handbook if you have any questions or doubt the accuracy of the Letter Wizard.


Another important factor in the readability of a letter is the font. The generally accepted font is Times New Roman,
size 12, although other fonts such as Arial may be used. When choosing a font, always consider your audience. If you
are writing to a conservative company, you may want to use Times New Roman. However, if you are writing to a more
liberal company, you have a little more freedom when choosing fonts.


Punctuation after the salutation and closing – use a colon (:) after the salutation (never a comma) and a comma (,)
after the closing. In some circumstances, you may also use a less common format, known as open punctuation. For
this style, punctuation is excluded after the salutation and the closing. I have found a great way to get your email ads out to the right people. Click here for details…..

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